Friday, June 3, 2011

I am a crap blogger.

See, here's the thing. I'm not a joiner. I do not join. Well, I might join, but then I kinda just fade away from whatever it is I've joined. I'm a loner, Dottie, a rebel.

So I start something new, and unless it's freakin AWESOME, I tend to get all, "Eh, whatever," about it, and drift off to go read another book or knit something new, or make something to sell on Etsy or... well, you get the picture.

Apparently the same holds true for blogging. This sort of thing isn't my bag, baby.

Now that I've made that clear, if it wasn't already abundantly so by checking out my archives, I have to admit that I'm thinking I might need to force myself to make a post every other day and see what happens. If only as an experiment in Can I Do It?